
Christmas Cookie Sheet Calendar

Christmas Cookie Sheet Calendar

Inspired by a million hours of The Great British Baking Show, this Cookie Sheet Calendar is a fun way to look forward to the big day! Little hands make quick work of the paper gingerbread markers, so the whole family can participate in the fun. The “ingredients” for your Cookie Sheet Calendar can be found below, but don’t be discouraged if you have to improvise. Construction paper in lieu of scrapbooking stock will work just as well, just mind your settings when you set the cut. You can forgo glitter vinyl for any decal material you choose. If you are feeling adventurous, choose your own color scheme as well!


Standard Cricut® Mat
Cricut® Premium Fine Point Blade
Cricut® Scraper
Cricut® Transfer Paper
Cricut® Red Glitter Vinyl
Cricut® White Permanent Vinyl

Gingerbread Part I
Cookie Icing Part II
Calendar Text Part III
Divider Part IV

13x9” Cookie Sheet (from the Dollar Tree)
12x12” Brown, Medium Weight Cardstock
12x12” Pink, Medium Weight Cardstock
12x12” Light Green, Medium Weight Cardstock
Scotch Repositional Magnetic Tape
Exacto Blade
Metal Ruler
Yarn or Pipe Cleaner, if needed
Hot Glue Gun

1) Adhere the brown paper and your green standard cutting mat, choose the Gingerbread Part I pattern and proceed with the cut choosing the correct paper in the settings menu.

2) Once your “cookies” are cut and peeled from the mat, set up your “icing” paper on the mat and proceed with the Cookie Icing Part II file. You will run this cut on each of your icing papers. You will have have extra icing pieces leftover, just in case you need them.

3) Now that all of your pieces are cut, it’s time to recruit some little hands to help adhere the gingerbread pieces to the icing backing. Using a glue stick that dries clear, cover the icing cut outs with glue. Place the brown gingerbread pieces on top of your icing colors, alternating colors between stars and men.

4) Once your gingerbread cookies are constructed, you can move on to the cookie sheet decals. The file for this portion of the project is scaled for a 13x9” cookie sheet I found at the Dollar Tree. Place a piece of Cricut® Red Glitter Vinyl on a Standard Cricut® Mat and proceed with the cut using Calendar Text Part III file and the Premium Vinyl - Shimmer setting.

5) Once cut and weeded, use the Cricut® Transfer Paper to remove the text from the backing. Carefully center the lettering on your cookie sheet about a half inch from the top. There should be about 2 inches remaining at the bottom for the divider embellishments.

6) Next, Place a 2” high x 12” wide piece of Cricut® White Permanent Vinyl on a Standard Cricut® Mat and proceed with the cut using Divider Part IV file on the Premium Vinyl setting. Once it is weeded, apply a piece of transfer tape and cut in between the icing divider elements to separate the two icing squiggles.

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7) Peel the transfer tape up with the vinyl attached and then place the first divider between the 25 day’s ‘til Christmas text and the calendar numbers. Place the second divider about a half inch from the bottom of the sheet.


8) Now that your cookie sheet decals are complete, it is time to prepare your gingerbread markers. Using your Exacto knife or an old pair of craft scissors, cut 1/4 inch pieces of the magnet tape for each of your 25 gingerbread cookies. Peel and stick the magnets to the back of each cookie.

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9) To hang your new calendar, you have a couple of options:

The first option is to just hang it on your fridge with the magnetic tape. Cut two pieces of the magnetic tape that are 6 inches long and adhere them to the back of the pan at the top and bottom. (See above.)

The second option is to hot glue a string or a pipe cleaner so it will hang like a picture on a hook. (See below.)

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